How to Use Chronic Illness to Stand Out


OK, HOLD ON. Before you prosecute me for not understanding how this whole chronic illness thing works, let’s take a time out.

I know what you are thinking, “Why the hell would I ever choose to stand out because of my illness?”

You are right.

No one wants to be looked at as an outcast because of their chronic illness. Personally, I have tried my hardest to conceal my Multiple Sclerosis.

What has changed?

What if your chronic illness could bring more good than bad?

I have come to realize that by having a chronic illness, you start to look at life differently. You start to see each day as a gift. You start to appreciate the smaller things in life.

The real question is “What if you shared your experience?”

What if you started to spread that joy with others? What if you made a difference in this world?

I am not an advocate of sharing your chronic illness with every person you meet. On the contrary, you should share only with your closest friends and family. I am, however, an advocate of sharing your experiences.

How can you use your chronic illness to stand out?

Pick one item from the list below, and share your experience with the world. Being a chronic illness fighter, you have been through a lot. By sharing your experience you might make a big impact in someone else’s life.

  • Next time you get angry at someone, put yourself in their shoes. Being a chronic illness warrior, we understand that there is more going on than meets the eye.
  • Take time to volunteer. No matter what kind of volunteering you do, someone will be grateful.
  • When you see a homeless person on the street, buy them food. When you give money you will never know where they will use it. By providing food you know you are helping them.
  • Become a mentor. Too many children grow up without good role models. Be a role model.
  • Buy groceries for the person behind you at the cash register. Tell them to pay it forward to someone else.
  • Strike up a conversation with a stranger. You never know if you will make their day.
  • Perform a random act of kindness to a neighbor and never tell them it was you. Mow their lawn? Pay for someone to plow their driveway? Put their trash out?
  • Pay for the car behind you at a toll booth.
  • Contact a local animal shelter and ask if they have a dog walking program. It will make the dog happy, and it will surely put a smile on your face.
  • On your drive home one day, allow every car pulling out of streets to go ahead of you. Give them a wave and a smile. J
  • Do something sweet for your loved one, mother, father, or children. Make it random so that they have no clue why.

How else can you allow your chronic illness to help you stand out? Comment below!



  1. Listen to people! There are people out there who do not have friends or family they feel they can confide in because no one would understand what they are going through. We do!! Sometimes people just need to vent to someone who understands ~ be that person.


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