3 Ways to Get Off the Couch and Help Your Chronic Illness


I call them slumps.

The day (or days) that you just don’t feel like doing anything. Your only motivation is to watch TV, sleep, and eat.

Sometimes I get into these slumps because I am having a flare up, and other times because some aspect of my life is not going the way I planned. When I am in a slump I have no motivation, and binge watching movies is my number one priority.

The worst part is the guilt that I begin to feel because I am not getting any of my “to-do” list done. I will look back on this slump and wish I had been doing something much more productive.

Being productive not only gets me in a better mood, it also takes my mind off of my illness. In order to feel happy, I need to be productive. Being productive is my lifeblood,

Next time you are in a slump follow the tips below. Getting off the couch is a great way to get your mind off of your chronic illness and feel happier everyday.

1) Start with small tasks.

Small tasks allow your momentum to build until you have snapped out of your funk, and back into reality. Start very small. Maybe you didn’t brush your teeth yet today? Go brush your teeth. Maybe you didn’t take a shower yet today? Take a shower. These tasks will get your inspired to start on bigger tasks later in the day.

2) Start every day by making your bed.

If I feel low motivation I  always get to remind myself that I have accomplished one thing today. I have made my bed. It will give you organization in your life, and the best part is that when you go to bed you will not have to organize your sheets. It is a win-win.

3) Take a walk.

Studies have shown that being active improves mood. If you can not take a walk due to your disability, make what ever movements that you can to be active. Even the smallest movement will start to make you feel better. If you have the the ability, take a walk around your neighborhood. Take in the scenery. Being out of the house will start you on the path to productivity again.

What are your tips for getting out of slumps? Post below, I would love to hear them!



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