How Motivational Speakers Almost Killed Me


I used to be a junky. Yes, I will admit it. I was addicted to motivational speakers.

Every other day you would find me watching a motivational speaker. From Tony Robbins to Will Smith I watched them all.

Just like a drug I would walk away from each motivational speech feeling energized to take life head on. A shot of dopamine ran through my body. I felt like I was on top of the world.

The worst part – the motivation would never last. Each speech ended with me feeling like I already achieved something. In reality, it was back to the couch for me.

By no means am I ridiculing motivational speakers, or videos. On the contrary, I believe that motivation used in the proper way can have immense benefits. The question then becomes: what is the difference between those who take action, and those who land back on the couch?

First, let’s debunk a common myth in society today. Motivation is entirely different than taking action. Often people state, “I was motivated today so I ____.”  Sure they were motivated; however, the action that followed is the true test to a person’s desire to achieve a goal.

For example, I could state that I was motivated by watching a speech today. If I did not take action, than this motivation was just an emotion. Emotional motivation is often used to replace action. The two are quite different.

How can you stop being a motivation junky, and start taking action?

Start to develop habits.

Habits are the only way to unmask emotional motivation, and achieve your goals. The tough part? Habits do not come easy. Waking up at 6am every day. HARD. Cutting out electronics in the bedroom? Hard. Spending time on personal development? Hard.

You can do it. You just have to realize that habits do not form overnight and be aware of the stages in which a habit forms.

Stage 1

WOW THIS SUCKS.  Yes, even the highest achieving individuals go through this stage. A stage of pure will. No matter how easy the habit, the first stage is always the hardest. Many studies show this stage lasting between 5 and 10 days. I have found that every person and every habit is different.

Stage 2

NO TURNING BACK. Yep, it sucks but now it is becoming part of your daily routine. Sure you have to think about it, but you get it done every day. It is not as bad as the first stage, but you still have to fit it in your schedule to make it happen. Expect this stage to take 10-20 days depending on the person and the habit.

Stage 3

NO NEED TO THINK ABOUT IT. You made it! Now the habit comes naturally. Do you think about brushing your teeth in the morning? NO, because it is a habit. Once it comes automatically, you are all set! Cruise control!

Now how do you choose the right habits for success?

Start with your own vision and dreams. Make sure to align your habits with your dreams. For example, start the habit of going to the gym every day if you want the “perfect body.”

There is not a standard set of habits that will fit every person’s needs. The trick is designing your life around your goals. Find someone else who has achieved your goal, and mimic their habits. What we often forget it that there is always someone else who has already accomplished your dream. Knowing their story is a great start!

Below is one of my favorite motivational videos. I challenge you to watch the video, take action, and turn that action into a habit. Habits that will help you achieve the life of your dreams.




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