
The One Thing All Motivational Speakers Don’t Tell You (Hint: It’s a Lie)

There I was… listing to another motivational podcast. I generally listen to 30 minutes of “self help “on the way to work, and on the way home- a good way to use time otherwise wasted on a long commute (highly recommended). The topic: goals. The speaker explained the traits of high goal achievers, and how they achieved their goals. Goals seemed so easy. Just like every other motivational speaker, it seemed like being a high achiever meant always hitting all of your goals and taking advantage of every moment you are alive.

[highlight]The lie most people don’t realize: High achievers and motivational speakers have lazy days too![/highlight]

It is true! So many high achievers make it sound like  every day is fill with high achieving activity. They wake up and do their morning routine on the weekends. They use every second of their day to build their next business. Bunch of B.S-they are lying.

We all have lazy days, especially people with chronic illness. [highlight]The real question is how to snap out of it![/highlight]

Before I give you any tips that will make your lazy days into the most successful days of your life, I have a confession. Often,  we need a relaxing day to ease the mind and body. These tips are for when you need to be more productive, not the days you choose to relax. Your call.

4 Tricks to Stop Lazy Days

  1. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on productivity. (Thanks Geico)

The truth is that in just 15 minutes you could go from 0 to 100 in productivity. Have you ever started doing dishes and end up cleaning your whole kitchen? [pullquote-left]The hardest part about productivity is starting![/pullquote-left] In reality, the hardest part about anything is starting! The goal is to pick one item on your to do list, and just get started. Often you become lazy because you keep thinking about how the task is annoying. It really is not as difficult as you think, I promise….

  1. Schedule your day…even the lazy parts. I used to hate schedules. My thoughts—how could you seize the day if you schedule every moment of it. My opinion has changed. You can schedule your days, weeks, months, and years and still Carpe Diem—the idea is to get your day on a piece of paper so you won’t miss priorities.
Here are some tips:

YES, even free time should be scheduled. Free time is the time you will watch TV, read your favorite fiction novel, or watch a movie. [pullquote-right]Making a schedule doesn’t stop you from free time, it just means that you need to be deliberate with your time.[/pullquote-right] If you want a full day off from scheduling, or want to relax for a day with no plans—schedule it in! Scheduling will stop you from sitting on the couch all day when you should be working out, or achieving your dreams. If you are on your couch, at least you will know you planned it!

Note: If you have a significant other this can be tricky. My opinion is that relationships matter. Make sure you either schedule time with them, or give up some time that you scheduled to spend time with them. A relationship cannot be on a schedule all the time, and you should treat it that way.

  1. Schedule in the major mental meals . See the article here to see what I mean.
  2. Choose one thing, and only one to concentrate on for the day. I once was given the advice to concentrate on one thing every day, month, and even year. You know what, it works! Every day when you wake up, write down the one thing you want to concentrate on and accomplish for the day. Do not try to set any other goals for the day, just this one thing. [pullquote-left]By setting your mind to one thing, you will be more productive and other small goals you have will fall in step.[/pullquote-left] Try it!
  3. Review your “your moment of most clarity”. Every once in a while, you will have a day of complete clarity. The key is to realize when this is happening and write it down. It will happen! Just be aware. There are always those days when you know exactly what your goals are, and how you will achieve them. These goals can be about relationships, health, fitness, career, or any other aspirations you have in life. Than when you are feeling uninspired, tired, or just down right lazy—review these aspirations. They will get you going on those slow days, and motivate you out of your slump.  Life is about the ups and downs. Use this technique to get out of those downs.
  4. (Extra tip) Watch a motivational video or movie! [highlight]Your task: type in the word “motivational” on Youtube.[/highlight] The results and videos will amaze you. Whenever you feel unmotivated… this will get you out of your slump.

When you look back on your day, month, year, and life… laziness will always happen. Even the highest motivated people are lazy!  Take these tips, use them, and let me know how it goes!

As always, I like to leave you with a quote:

“Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction” – Anne Frank

