How I Am Better Because Of My Chronic Illness


We all look back at our lives before we were diagnosed with chronic illness and compare our current self with how we used to be.

We used to be able to run farther, lift heaver weights, remember more….

The list goes on.

There are so many things that we used to be better at, and it is hard not to compare. I know that I am guilty of comparing everything from before I was diagnosed with MS. I even compare the how I used to be able to go so much longer without having to pee. (Probably one of the random things I miss the most)

What we often forget is that we have grown so much through the journey of having a chronic illness. My frequency going to the bathroom might have increased, but there are so many parts of my life that have grown stronger due to my illness.

I am not talking about physically stronger, although I keep trying to get back to my pre-illness body, I am talking about my emotional strength.

Having a chronic illness, we go through so much. We get angry, we cry, and eventually we persevere.

Last night I started to think about how much I have grown since being diagnosed with MS and how much I have learned throughout the journey. After looking at all of the positives from the journey, I have come to the conclusion that I have become a better person.

Let’s do some analysis.

  • I have stronger self-will than I ever have. I have eaten 100% paleo for the past 3 years. That means no breads, no milk, and the hardest part- no cheese! I would say that is a pretty big achievement.
  • I am way more structured than I used to be. I have taken my shot of medicine every day for 3 years. No matter what you say, that is something to be proud of.
  • I work out more than I used to. Sure I am not at the exact same strength, but I now go to the gym 4 times a week. What an accomplishment!
  • I meditate. Did I know what meditation was before I was diagnosed? Nope. I just thought it was for hippies.
  • I read. Not just a few pages, but I read A LOT. A book a week normally. It all started when I realized that I need to learn more to accomplish my dreams. Most of the books I read are business books, and WOW it has made such a big impact in my life.
  • I am closer to my family. Being diagnosed was a huge road bump in my relationship with my family, but it has made us so much closer.
  • I am closer to my fiancé. (She went from girlfriend when I was diagnosed, to Fiancé 3 years later)
  • I pray more than I used to. Being closer to a higher being is never a bad thing!

I made this list last night, and re read it over and over again in amazement that my life has changed for the better since being diagnosed.

I challenge you to create a list for yourself. Do not write down any of the bad things that have happened, but only how you have grown.

Sometimes we all need to take a moment to see some positive experiences around our chronic illness. I know it will be a hard list to create, but my hope is that just like me, you will find so much good has happened in your life since being diagnosed with chronic illness.



  1. I love this post. People think that we’re unable to take away any positives from chronic illness when in fact it teaches us to rely on ourselves, how to effectively communicate, and how to truly value experiences. Obviously I’d rather not have crippling pain, but it’s taught me a hell of a lot in the meantime! 🙂


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